Join Anshe Emet's Rising Song Circle!

Let's inspire musical growth in our community and explore Joey Weisenberg's master class videos together!

Become a founding member of Anshe Emet's Rising Song Circle.

When 10 or more people subscribe, Joey will host a FREE custom workshop for our group!

Subscribe Now

Presented in partnership with...

Preview what we can learn in a song circle...


Six Collections of Master Classes

A monthly subscription grants each of us access to all six courses of guided study, including hundreds of videos!

When 10 or more people from our community subscribe for just $18/month, Joey will host a free, customized workshop for our group.

More about the courses...

Singing Communities

Ten Keys to Unlocking Powerful Spiritual Music in Our Community

Designed for all members of the community, this series teaches us how to bring people together to build joyous singing communities.

The Art of the Nigun

How to Sing, Lead and Teach Wordless Melodies

This extensive series teaches beautiful Jewish spiritual melodies, and then teaches how explore, lead and teach those melodies in community.

Davening Artistry

How to Lead Deeply Moving Communal Prayer

Joey explains his strategies and concepts for connecting through the medium of traditional Jewish prayer across more than 80 videos.

The Torah of Music

Lessons in the Musical Dreamscape of the Jewish Sages

Drawn from his 2017 National Jewish Book Award winning work, The Torah of Music, Joey tells the story of music in the spiritual practice of Jewish life.

Shabbat and Festivals

Nusach and Nigun

Go in depth and learn the nusach (prayer chant) for Shabbat, Festivals and weekday davening, as well as Joey's favorite melodies and his unique approach to leading each service. 

High Holidays

Nusach and Nigun

Featuring 100+ videos, this is an extended series on the traditional prayer chant of Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur, with in-depth explorations of the High Holidays liturgy.

Studying, Singing, Socially Distant

The comprehensive resources on this site, paired with the organizing power of local song circles, can inspire dramatic musical-spiritual growth, during COVID and beyond. We hope that music will help us remember how to interact with, lift up and support each other in the most positive ways.


Answers to some questions about joining a Rising Song Circle...

Joey is very excited to work with us and co-create Anshe Emet's Rising Song Circle!

Subscribe now ($18/month) and begin exploring Joey’s master class library immediately.

There's a lot of material on this site. Walking this path and singing these songs with others can be incredibly helpful. 

So, by subscribing through this special page, we can officially form our Rising Song Circle, and Joey's team will be able to keep our group organized to better help us learn together.

We can have as many people as we’d like in our group. 

If at least 10 people subscribe as part of our Rising Song Circle, Joey will lead a private workshop for us. 

But the power of camaraderie in a Rising Song Circle comes from its intimacy. More than 50 people in a group could feel unmanageable and counterproductive.  

As soon as our Rising Song Circle crosses the 10-person membership threshold, our facilitator(s) will work with Joey to find a time and focus for our group's private Zoom session. Subscribe now and encourage friends to join, too!

Hazzan Liz Berke will facilitate all get-togethers and/or virtual gatherings using Joey’s master class videos as a resource and curriculum to inspire the group. Joey will join us for an initial workshop, while Hazzan Berke will be the point person and organizer.

Though it’s difficult and unadvisable to sing close together and make really beautiful music in person during the ongoing pandemic, we view this situation as a great opportunity to study and enjoy Jewish music online, to learn nigunim and sing them in our living rooms, and to study the nusach of Jewish prayer chant so that our spiritual lives do not become stagnant.

The material on this site gives us the tools to create powerful moments of prayer at home with our families or even to lead intimate backyard gatherings with our closest friends. 

We believe that taking advantage of this unprecedented time to study (Jewish) music will make it all the more exciting and meaningful when we’re able to gather together in song again. 

A subscription to Joey's Music. Prayer. Artistry. master classes costs $18 per month and grants a person access to all the videos (more than 500!) on this site. There is no additional fee to organize a Rising Song Circle, and Joey will lead a free custom workshop for our group when 10 or more people sign up.

NOTE: Folks who are already subscribed to Joey’s Master Classes should reach out to [email protected] so Joey's team can add you to the Anshe Emet Rising Song Circle for no extra cost.

Part of the mission of Hadar’s Rising Song Institute is to inspire musical growth in the Jewish community worldwide. As founder and co-director of RSI, Joey wants to see that happen. So, in partnership with him, we’re investing our time and energy to make it happen. When we see potential and musical-spiritual organizing power in a community, we want to support it, and that’s the point of this resource.

Music is now more important than ever. Song reminds us of our essential humanity and it will have the power to rekindle communal bonds after so many months spent social distancing.

Join our Rising Song Circle!

If you are already subscribed to Joeyā€™s Master Classes, please contact [email protected] to be added to this Rising Song Circle.

Questions? Reach out:

[email protected]


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